"Bob Reuter's Last Tape" presents a vivid and intimate portrait of the the late Bob Reuter, an iconic St. Louis underground artist. Through a series of confessions recorded before his untimely death, Reuter examines his personal successes and failures alongside his artistic achievements. In this collage-like film, he explores the complexity of his life, moving between memory and narrative, and journeying into the darker and more difficult times. Reuter shares the losses he experienced as a child and adult, the immense health issues that burdened him, and his decision to let go of his worries and focus on expressing himself as an artist. Spanning more than 40 years of artistic creation -- including songwriting, photography, and stream-of-consciousness monologues from "Bob's Scratchy Records" on KDHX -- "Bob Reuter's Last Tape" is an homage to a gifted and much-missed St. Louisan.